I'm still thinking about the prat who claimed during the 70s on a council estate a burglar burgled a house for food and left a sweet apology note. I grew up on a council estate in the 70s. My family was poor. We ran out of food at the end of each week and on pay day my dad would go get food in his lunch break and bring it to the house so we could have lunch.
People shared with neighbours in need, either food or labour or time. We didn't burgle each other. If you're the sort of person who would rob someone you'll do it for whatever reason. If that's not you and your kids are hungry, you'll swallow your pride and knock on doors asking for a loaf of bread.
These idiots playing Jack's game turn my stomach. They make people think if I'm struggling to feed my kid or get formula, I can't tell the school or the health visitor or turn to a neighbour or friend because I might lose my kid (that was Jack's version of why she had to endure The Poverty in Noble Silence) so it's better to risk an arrest or even a conviction for shoplifting or burglary.