Proper working class, from an ex mining town, loads of siblings. Went to a private school, a GDST one. Via a very large scholarship and bursary, and my very comfortable but certainly not wealthy Grandparents (I’m their only grandchild) covering the rest like uniforms, bus fare, trips, extra curriculars etc. None of my siblings went as they would never have passed the entrance tests. Soz not soz.
I agree with everything you said - I was 1 of 4 out of 120 kids in my year that did not come from a wealthy background. I didn’t have much to talk to them about as we had
duck all in common, and alongside my undiagnosed NDs, it was a lonely place to be.
At the very least, they had 4 - 7 bedroom homes in the most exclusive areas, at least two very expensive hobbies and had extensively travelled. I lived in a 4 bed council house on a rough estate and my travel was limited to the 20 miles to school and back
Fortunately I did make an incredible friend, who has been in my life since the day we met 23 years ago, but she was the year above me. She has a lot of MC guilt, tbh I fully encourage her to take up everything that gets handed to her because
duck having a difficult life when you don’t need to.