I spent so long writing my post that the thread closed without me so I'm copying it over to here because I believe it to be of highest importance (what ego? Hmmm?)
duck's sake,
Mumsnet. You've picked it up on Mumsnet - they've been rowing about whether it's a real word in the 21st Century or not (with some Scots wading in with a very determined YES IT IS YOU'RE RACIST SOUTHERNERS' for about four months.
Outwith, the only place I have ever seen it used is on mumsnet.
The other word they use a lot is 'think', when describing a scenario: 'I made lunch for my male friend, think lots of innuendo, trying to be nigella and failing miserably' or 'i dyed my hair today, think sumptuous red and oodles of coconut oil'
not the most succinct explanation but I have covid and my brain is more mush than usual.
Whilst continuing the Mumsnet derail, lots of them also use the spelling que when they mean cue 'i made brown slop today, que the postman's greedy sniffing nose outside my door'
and , per say instead of per se 'i'm not a lesbian per say but it comes in handy when I want to appeal to a core group of people, think, bandwagon jumping and striving desperately for an identity. Que stamping and booting open train doors when I don't get the attention I crave'
Also that vile phrase 'i'd rip them a new one'
And finally, for a long time the mn regulars would say 'suck it up' about any and every sad story from non regulars.
Probably many more but these are the ones that grind my gears the most.
I don't really use it much now I've found tattle, my spiritual home
Mumsnet are more of a cabal than we will ever be.