This happened to me too. I was very surprised, think mine went for under a tenner too.
I think the current DM fans are the type who think second hand = dirty.
Not like my day when skanky was the actual fashion. I remember when we used to purposely scuff new shoes so they didn't look new.
Although I realise not everyone was like that, there was also the preppy look running alongside us urban Woodstock wannabes.
I was just having a FB scroll and a notification popped up from jack's make up group, there was a lot of excitement about someone
touching a particular birkin bag model.
I googled it and the first one the came up costs 69k and looks like it's been vandalised with an ironic meta nod to the daylight robbery.
Just looked again and see it's been customised by a stret artist.
I hope he has a right old chuckle when he made this