Just to clear up something on the university course. If it is a course approved by the OFS, which most are, she won’t have to pay any fees up front, she’ll be paying back after she graduates. If the course is classed as full time she’d have the chance to apply for a maintenance loan. 5 years seems to me like it’s part time, so maintenance loan for that would be dependent on a few other things but still potentially available. Also someone wrote ‘validated’ like this, almost trying to imply that this is less of a course than anything else (there are nutrition courses all over the place, it could be any of them by the say) Many many university courses are validated by other organisations and it definitely doesn’t imply anything of lesser quality, it’s just the way a lot of organisations work. Plus also mature students don’t always need the same entry quals if they have been doing work that’s even slightly relevant, and whatever we think of them, writing cookbooks would be relevant enough to a nutrition degree.