Lie after lie. Not mentioning why Tattle talks about her, nor that people irl don't like her for the same reasons we don't. Nobody is trolling her, she actively seeks us out. No mention of her own bullying and inciting the pile ons, not only on Oliver Walliams etc but on normal everyday people who she takes offence at.
Also no mention of the kitten, the rabbit, taking benefit money from disabled people, pretending to be poor, the patreon, the tip jar, kick-start, not paying tax, using her child's GoHenry, lying about Grenfell, misappropriation of Jo Cox murder and lying about literally everything.
THIS ⬆⬆⬆⬆
I always start off feeling sorry for her, and it’s fantastic that a) she went to a rehab b) that she is doing further education and c) that she has a regular hours, part time job. However, she hasn’t stayed off twitter, she breadcrumbed all of that infirmation. She needs to stop blurting her personal life and every mundane thought on SM and maintain professional pages like ‘Mom’ (aka Nigella in Jack parlance)
Honestly, I find this article disappointing and specious. Yet again, she makes no mention at all of HOW this scrutiny really started - with the abominable rage fest and campaign against a blameless Jamie Oliver. She omits all the other bizarre pile-ons that she instigated on Twitter, against Walliams, the teacher, and various of her fans, including the data protection lady. She makes no mention of her breakup with LJC, what caused it (her erratic behaviour methinks) and how this impacted her. She fails to explain about her treatment of the sick and dying kitten, the morality of this, and how this would have affected others. She uses evasive, weasel words to place all blame for her MH and alcohol relapse here, when her constant social media over-use means that the entire globe can see the bullying, mistruths and inconsistencies - the vegans who were annoyed with her Del Monte campaign were not from here. Neither is data protection lady. Her poverty-origin story is also highly specious - she refers to herself as middle class in at least two articles online, yet she constantly pretends to have been raised poor. She doesn’t address the Patreon monies that she takes without giving proper service to the donors. She hasn't addressed the Kickstarter fiasco that her ex fans still mention to this day. What she does do is use her various diagnoses as a crutch and an excuse every single time; she very recently tweeted a complaint to the effect that she is criticised for the ADHD/autism behaviours and not given allowance for them. Yet she consistently appears to make zero effort to devise work-arounds to compensate for these known behaviours. She just expects to screw up, be rude, fail to deliver and everyone make allowance for her over and over again, suffering no consequences. The real world is not like that.
Anyone following her Twitter could see that she had relapsed as she obliquely referred to it, and there was talk of starting the days over from zero. How can this be laid at our door when (as she has already told us via SM) her mother said that Jack has been missing for SEVEN years. She has addiction and personality problems that she is well aware of - but no progress can be made unless she is scrupulously honest with herself.
Judging by this article, she is not, which is sad and doesn’t bode well for a full recovery.
(Soz for this lengthy screed - I truly am saddened. Just more of the same imho).