Agree completely, it’s nice for the grandparents to have paid for his first holiday with her but a shame mamapapa would rather do holidays alone or with minted fiancés or sit down the Groucho eating multiple plates of squid ink pasta.
She’s objectively fine looking but tbh after her carry on for 200+ threads I think her soul is so clapped it’s transferred to the outside too
There’s no way the mum of those children will want Jack near them, I doubt the dad would either judging by his mumsnet content. Sorry to be savage but he’s on a significantly lower income than Jack despite working much longer hours (not that that’s hard compared to Jack’s 2 hours a week) picking up the majority of parenting and all the associated costs, yet has to read the woes of a single mum blasted on Twitter? Her monetising
the poverty
as if he was a waste man letting the kid suffer? Her outing his other kids’ genders and birthdays and ages for no good reason?? She can absolutely get to