The foreword for Jack Monroe's Recovery Recipes by Jack Monroe:
They still wouldn't stop. Even though they knew that I was battling long-held demons, the internet bullies turned to mercilessly mocking my appearance, comparing me to pieces of crockery.
I took a deep breath, although inside I was howling like a shewolf in heat. This band of mithering ninnies, with their shadowy connections to Germany and Russia, had already destroyed my relationship and attempted to sabotage my flourishing career. I had even heard rumours that one of them, based in Manchester, had told Marcus Rashford not to work with me again, accusing me of attempting to murder him through unconventional soup ingredients.
I knew that this time, I couldn't let the trolls win.
I furiously cracked an egg into a cold frying pan, turned on the heat, and added a lick of lard and plenty of black pepper. As the egg cooked for precisely 45 seconds - the ideal time for a runny yolk and wobbly white, transluscent as the skin on an old man's hand - I told myself that I would be strong. I would turn this around.
It was not the first time I'd faced adversary. Back when I was a destitute single mum, my son once looked up at me from his bowl of Weetabix mashed with water and asked... (cont. pg 48)