I have been thinking about her flippant remark about her being a prostitute, and then never mentioning it again. There are women being trafficked half way around the world and being forced into prostitution. There are women in this country who are street prostitutes because they are being forced to do it. There are women on British streets who have been driven there by their addictions. There are women on the streets who can see no other way to survive, and see no way out. There are women that lose their lives due to prostitution. Jack's throw away remark debases all these women's struggles.
Jack's made an offhand and frivolous comment about her taking up prostitution to make and meet, however she no longer refers to sex workers, never campaigned about prostitution and trafficking, never suggests strategies to help these women. It just makes her whole comment unbelievable, and very disrespectful of women who are trapped in these situations. She should be ashamed.
Jack doesn't care about anything other than Jack. She is not a true campaigner, she only ever campaigns if she profits from it. What a ghoul.