Congratulations to @kachoochoo for the thread title! I know it was kind of a joke, but it tickled me and got the most votes. Your prize: one of Jack’s tin can lanterns. (Safety disclaimer: Do not leave unattended or handle with bare hands. Or ... light. Ever.)
Recap of last thread
Recap of last thread
- Move over Oprah, she offered to send someone her red carpet dress.
- The latest comments under the Telegraph article weren’t favourable.
- Pringles fillers are the new frugal #JacksHack. Quack quack.
- She doesn’t want to a be fully accountable green space. Or something.
- The robot guy found us. It’s ok, Jack called us ‘addicts’ and ‘bored, vicious tossers’. Takes one to to know one.
- #JacksHacks strikes again. Good old-fashioned japes with tin can alley.
- Tin can lantern from Fireman Jack. And even more tins.
- Please use the words ‘thread title’ when making a bid for one as it makes it easier to search.
- New to Jack? Have a look at the wiki.
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