VIP Member
The social media intern at LMcC must be having a nice chilled evening, thinking ‘Phew! That nasty Jack Monroe business is over, thank goodness. The old lunar spring rolls are getting a lot of buzz, I’ll have a look later”
Not surprised she'd deleted this one, even by her standards this one was far too revealing of her true agenda. How "GAUCHE".
Not all Soy Sauce is vegan (some contain fish) plus, salty af on top of salty bacon. Another reason her joints may be hurting, could be gout!
Also- who got cancelled then got a column and a book deal, who is she getting at?
All we need now is the k-pop stans to chime in too...I’ve got ‘It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming.... karma’s coming home’ going round in my head. Come on viggles, you’ve knocked the first few bricks out of the bottom of her carefully built bollocks tower. Just a few more and it’ll all come crumbling down! Insert *rubs hands together in glee* type gif
I know what you mean, the Tattle folks are funny, kind and I have really enjoyed skirting around the edges laughing. It’s given me some much needed respite from the craziness around me.I'm not entirely sure what it means! But it makes me laugh hearing all you guys use it!
(Can I have a soppy Valentine's moment, and say; I'm so glad I found Tattle a week ago, was in such a lockdown slump, living by myself, no real company for a year, you guys have really cheered the cockles of my heart this week, and it's just lovely getting to be all chatty and social with some really funny people! ♥ )
FFS Jack. You do not get partnership deals by saying that the thing you're enthusing about needs a whole random 'nother ingredient and some oil-based intervention to make it taste like the thing it's claiming to taste like.
What?! I have never heard this in my life. Burnt soy sauce as a bacon substitute.
I know what you mean, the Tattle folks are funny, kind and I have really enjoyed skirting around the edges laughing. It’s given me some much needed respite from the craziness around me.
Thread title suggestion/nomination"Haven't you got peas to discuss?"