Roadside Mum has tweeted today about receiving loads of presents. Combined with her tweets about how she should be given a consulting role off the back of this, I’m worried it’s all gone a bit Jack 2.0: This Time There May Be Some Experience of Poverty.
I can’t help but compare gobby Twitter sorts with the people I know from all walks of life who run various foodbanks, lunch clubs, temple kitchens, and they just quietly do it week in, week out, year after year, getting little to no recognition and often topping up supplies from their own pockets despite having little themselves.
Of course digital campaigning has a part in activism, but it’s much smaller than is made out to be. Way too many people, led by their Povvo Filler Queen Munro, have absolutely no material contribution to allaying any of the issues they wank on about to look liberal.
I can’t believe the Guardian have paid her AGAIN to write the same story they’ve paid her to write endless times. Just cannot with this bleep.