Chatty Member
The good thing about a grunka is that virtually every observation and impression I have when I read overtime working @Silver Linings 's (grab two chairs and have a nap. Now!!) receipts is later confirmed by the coven. It proves I have not lost my mind and that a whole coven can't be wrong.Yes!! It reminds me of an ex-boyfriends mum, who would say things to me like that I should take it easy and lay down instead of cook, she insists on doing it, take it easy etc. In the next room she’d be rolling up her sleeves and loudly saying to him “right, your mum will make you some decent food now”!
She can’t make a roux, doesn’t drink tea, only ever makes her own bread and has been on the bones of her arse for ten years... what’s your point, Lumpy mate?
Even when I think to myself "ah well, maybe I am going a bit far with my interpretation", bang, Frauen and Herren have been on the same line of thought.