She’ll get loads and loads of centrist sympathy from the terminally unobservant following on from this, but I’m feeling pretty jubilant nonetheless. I’ve seen more dissent about her, and her drama, and her politics, and her lack of tangible action today than ever before, and not just from crappy alt-right trolls. More people than we thought have latched onto the grift and the chaos.
I think, at the end of the day, most folk are not particularly political, not very online (a la Laura Waddell) and not very interested in activism due to direct action being stifled for decades (cheers, Maggie T). She might get a few slop cookery book sales out of this, and a few more talking head slots with her terrifying death mask of foundation, but it’s clear from today that serious commentators have no time for her whatsoever, which is just more proof to me that there is no market at all for her poverty porn book.
Tommy Corbyn has really treated Jack with a magnanimity that she doesn’t deserve, and which she would not afford to others. She’s very lucky that the people she chooses to pile on mostly choose to ignore her, tbh.