It's May 2015 and terrible things happen to Jack around trains or stations. Going forward after this terrible cry, she decides to put. herself. first.
Morning! So it’s Monday, and after a week of doing Live Below The Line followed by a week averaging two hours sleep a night while Election Mania raged, I broke down in the Ladies at Paddington train station yesterday – and not at the injustice of having to spend 30 pence to spend a penny, either. Exhausted, ragged, ravaged, rugged, ruined, I stood with my back to the cubicle door and sobbed my heart out, for no single determinable reason. And I realised that in The Great Fight Back that has to happen now, I was in no fit state to be any use to anyone. So I decided, that as of tomorrow (today now, as it was yesterday), I was going to mend myself. And perhaps time Live Below The Line better next time, giving it a wide berth from any large stressful events, like a General Election.