IVF and Fertility Treatments

I haven't had the Hycosy. But I had both a HSG and an SIS. They seem to all be similar methods of checking for blockages etc. I did find them both uncomfortable, and like a nipping pain. Nothing extreme though. I was advised to take pain an hour before the procedure. So just check with your clinic that you can take some beforehand and hopefully you don't have much discomfort. Good luck, sending lots of good wishes xx
I’m having a Hycosy transvaginal fallopian scan tomorrow. Heard they’re painful and uncomfortable. Just wondered if anyone else had had one before at the start of fertility investigations/treatment and could tell me what to expect/any tips or advice ?

Mine was really painful, a bit like severe period cramps, but there was nothing unusual when the results came back. I just focused on breathing through it. It doesn't last long, and I thought, hell I'm hoping to go through labour at some point in the future so i can deal with this!

Conversely, the lady before me felt no pain whatsoever, so the nurses told me when I was tearing up with pain!

Good luck!
Has anyone done much reading into ureaplasma? I’ve never heard the clinic mention it and I’m wondering if this could be one of our issues. Just keen to see if anyone has been tested for it at their clinic or independently or if you’ve got any other knowledge/experiences you could share
I’m having a Hycosy transvaginal fallopian scan tomorrow. Heard they’re painful and uncomfortable. Just wondered if anyone else had had one before at the start of fertility investigations/treatment and could tell me what to expect/any tips or advice ?
I had one a few years ago, uncomfortable alright but doable at the same time and at least you know its usually a once off. Defo take pain before hand if they say you can and have some ready for after, I had some painful cramping after and a bit of a bleed but nothing some women dont experience every month with their period. Best of luck with it, hope it provides some answers for you!
I’m having a Hycosy transvaginal fallopian scan tomorrow. Heard they’re painful and uncomfortable. Just wondered if anyone else had had one before at the start of fertility investigations/treatment and could tell me what to expect/any tips or advice ?
I had one a few years ago, uncomfortable alright but doable at the same time and at least you know its usually a once off. Defo take pain before hand if they say you can and have some ready for after, I had some painful cramping after and a bit of a bleed but nothing some women dont experience every month with their period. Best of luck with it, hope it provides some answers for you!
Thank you everyone for your answers about the Hycosy. I guess it’s luck of the drawer if it’s painful or not. I don’t have a low threshold for pain so just want to prepare really. I’ve been told to take pain an hour before so will do that. Im going into it thinking of it like an extreme smear test. I think more than pain for me it’s more the embarrassment of someone looking up there 🤪 but like you’ve said about pain - if I get pregnant I best get used to people being down the business end 😂
Thank you everyone for your answers about the Hycosy. I guess it’s luck of the drawer if it’s painful or not. I don’t have a low threshold for pain so just want to prepare really. I’ve been told to take pain an hour before so will do that. Im going into it thinking of it like an extreme smear test. I think more than pain for me it’s more the embarrassment of someone looking up there 🤪 but like you’ve said about pain - if I get pregnant I best get used to people being down the business end 😂
Yeah or if you do IUI or IVF, hopefully you won't, but you have someone different looking at your vagina every second day of the week but it is still uncomfortable, youre always like gonna have a quick shower now right before my app cos dont want any smells or anything although I'm sure they have seen it all!
I actually had a TY (4th year so like a 15 year old) work experience girl sit in on one of my scans and i was like ah here, she probably hasnt even seen her own vagina, much yet!
Hello, you may remember me from before when I was asking about what happened at first appointments for treatment. I am in a same sex marriage however that has now broken down 😩🥺

I wondered, has anybody here had IVF/IUInas a single female ?
Sorry to hear that about your marriage. A friend of my family is pursuing it on her own, I believe she’s had 2 IUI that failed and now doing IVF. Incredibly brave and commendable of anyone who doesn’t let not being in a relationship hold them back from being a mum x
I wonder would anybody have some advice.. I’ve been using ovulation tests for 3 months and never seen the hormone surge. The first month I thought ok maybe I just missed it by a day but now thinking it’s quite weird. In 3 cycles I’ve never seen the 2 lines. I Usually start testing at about day 9 and test right through to round day 16.

I have a very standard 28 day cycle that sometimes varies by 1-3 days but no more than that usually. I have a regular period every month. Anybody experienced this? Am I just doing something wrong?
I wonder would anybody have some advice.. I’ve been using ovulation tests for 3 months and never seen the hormone surge. The first month I thought ok maybe I just missed it by a day but now thinking it’s quite weird. In 3 cycles I’ve never seen the 2 lines. I Usually start testing at about day 9 and test right through to round day 16.

I have a very standard 28 day cycle that sometimes varies by 1-3 days but no more than that usually. I have a regular period every month. Anybody experienced this? Am I just doing something wrong?

I found some of the cheaper tests didn't always work for me. So I tried the clear blue digital ovulation tests and that worked more accurate for me. I would generally tend to have obvious cervical mucus around my ovulation too so I can usually tell by that. But test wise give the digital a go. But also worth speaking to a doctor and maybe asking for day 21 bloods to confirm ovulation. Good luck 😘
I found some of the cheaper tests didn't always work for me. So I tried the clear blue digital ovulation tests and that worked more accurate for me. I would generally tend to have obvious cervical mucus around my ovulation too so I can usually tell by that. But test wise give the digital a go. But also worth speaking to a doctor and maybe asking for day 21 bloods to confirm ovulation. Good luck 😘
Thank you! I’ve been using the cheapie tests 🙈 I’ll give the clear blue ones a go Thanku 💕
I wonder would anybody have some advice.. I’ve been using ovulation tests for 3 months and never seen the hormone surge. The first month I thought ok maybe I just missed it by a day but now thinking it’s quite weird. In 3 cycles I’ve never seen the 2 lines. I Usually start testing at about day 9 and test right through to round day 16.

I have a very standard 28 day cycle that sometimes varies by 1-3 days but no more than that usually. I have a regular period every month. Anybody experienced this? Am I just doing something wrong?
Hello, are you just testing once in the day? Sometimes it can be so quick you miss it, I did an unmedicated frozen embryo transfer last year and for this had to do home ovulation testing for the surge. I used the premom ones and also the clearblue digital as I didn’t want to miss it. Did both morning and evening, and it was actually the evening it appeared so I would’ve missed it come the next morning if I hadn’t. Best of luck ❤️
Hello, are you just testing once in the day? Sometimes it can be so quick you miss it, I did an unmedicated frozen embryo transfer last year and for this had to do home ovulation testing for the surge. I used the premom ones and also the clearblue digital as I didn’t want to miss it. Did both morning and evening, and it was actually the evening it appeared so I would’ve missed it come the next morning if I hadn’t. Best of luck ❤
Thankyou! I hadn’t thought of that. Yes only testing once a day so I will try twice a day as well as slightly better tests I think! Thank you and Good luck to you too 💕
Some of you may remember me from about 7 weeks ago. I wanted to update you all thank you all so much.

After my wife cheated and left me when taking the first steps of fertility treatment I felt like my world had fell apart. And although I still do, I'm still single and powering through this like you all told me to do. It's been the hardest 7 weeks of my life but I'm doing it, I'm not going back and I absolutely know I deserve better than that!

Thank you all so much for your support during some of my darkest days, you all keep me going giving me advice I never new I needed. Strangers that out their time into me. I will be forever grateful ❤