Itslittlelauren #3 Clutch bags in the garden, heels up a hill.

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Can't believe she's going to be selling these.
She really doesn’t get it 🤦🏻‍♀️ This sort of stuff has been around for about 20 years. You can get it for free or knock up your own, and she’s used fonts that she thinks are “aesthetic”…but that’s pointless for children because it doesn’t even promote early reading skills because the letters aren’t easily identifiable. There is no value to the stuff she has knocked up whatsoever.
She really doesn’t get it 🤦🏻‍♀️ This sort of stuff has been around for about 20 years. You can get it for free or knock up your own, and she’s used fonts that she thinks are “aesthetic”…but that’s pointless for children because it doesn’t even promote early reading skills because the letters aren’t easily identifiable. There is no value to the stuff she has knocked up whatsoever.

Yes meant to say about with the font. The same with the PECS stuff, she hasn't understood it's all standardised. She really has no clue. I'd say it's style over substance but there's not much style either.

But just watch people actually buy them.
She’s not right in the head, she can’t be. She’s just been on a two weeker with presumably the father of her child, or at least her mum, somebody? She definitely didn’t go alone. So why are all the photos just her and Ella? Does she realise you can have other people in your life?
He doesn’t fit the instagram feed aesthetic. I think that’s literally all there is to it. Unless he’s going to wear pink and florals. She also seems to want to paint this picture of single motherhood, coming from a line of single mothers. When the reality is it seems her grandparents are still together.
Also where the hell did her chronic illness dissappear to? Girl has never worked a proper day in her life before, now she thinks she can portray the image that she is a full time single mum, that she works, and has her sill print out side hustle too?! All while pretending she doesn't live with mummy, absolutely wild, she is trying to give off an unattainable standard for other mums with chronic illness.
Hate to be that person showing up on a thread an asking questions without reading through, but what chronic illness is she meant to have?