Itslittlelauren #2 Baby is dressed up like a dolly & tottering round the farm like a wally

Surely the baby isn't wearing the headband constantly she would spend more time pulling it off Lauren must be putting it back on readjusting it all day just leave her be. My daughter had alot of hair around that age and it was curly too so would look messy I would put it in bunches but she would never keep them in pulled the hairbands out and chucked them all the time! Gave up in the end
Whyyyy has she got cooked spaghetti all over the landing carpet?! Cooked spaghetti is a fab sensory activity for babies and young children but…but…it so easily gets ground into carpet abs soft furnishings. FFS Lauren, out a plastic mat on the floor downstairs and let her properly explore it rather than setting her up wherever the lighting is best for a 2 minute photo shoot.
Agh she sickens me! What a waste of food! You dont need a whole packet of cereal or spaghetti for your child to enjoy messy play. A lot of parents are struggling atm to feed thier families. She’s so out of touch of real life. Today when I nipped off for a pee my 4 year old decided to mark up our walls with a black sharpie (no idea where it came from)
Cant wait till Ella’s running around pulling at everything and making a proper mess!!
Wasting spaghetti today!!! At a time when the cost of living is rising, gross

I thought the exact same thing, well if her Mum is dumb enough to let Lauren waste stuff like that, more fool her! The whole ‘food play’ thing really winds me up, it’s just so wasteful, when you could donate a pack of spaghetti to a food bank if you’re just going to let a child mess around with it for all of 5 minutes until they get bored.
Wtf is she wearing?! There is no way when Ella’s on the move she’ll keep up…I struggle in flats and jeans, toddlers are fast when they want to get somewhere 😂
I really get the impression she’ll have another baby with Tom. He clearly sees no issues with their set up
Does she ever take her baby to groups or to interact with other babies!? She is the oddest woman, sorry girl ever. her dress sense, her lifestyle, her housing set up… It’s just bizarre. Surely after having a baby she’d be wanting to get her own place with her partner and you know, perhaps get a job so she can provide and set an example for her child. what does she do!? always wondered where her income comes from.
not being nosey or anything but I just can’t comprehend these lifestyles people have when they don’t work.