I complete agree with this, she seemed more relatable back then. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her gaining back the weight, many do after stopping Slimming World but had she been honest about it from the start I think more people would have respect for her but she kept up the pretence she was still a size 10 for a good while whilst it was clear she had & was still gaining weight.
You can tell she doesn’t know how to dress her new (old) shape well which is why she wears tent dresses, I’m sure she would look lovely in wrap tops & dress.
What annoys my the most about her is her sheer greed, before she would aff link outfits she wore, nothing to bad with that many did but it’s the aff link clothes she would never wear & the mega expensive things like her coffee machine. It’s clear to see by going on websites like social blade that she has absolutely no engagement & there is little point in her keep buying followers as they quickly get deleted. Her coffee stories are tiresome & her tally stories dull as dish water