Rare optimistic tongue in cheek
@welp but I think some of it could play out. The house will be sold, I hope for everyone's sake, including her own that Alice gets the help she needs, god knows she has ticked enough boxes for a judge to order that she does. I don't think the film will get made, but if it does it would be some years down the line. As far as Bianca and the children go, they will likely always think of her as the person who broke up their family unit or certainly the one who stopped him from coming back just because that is how kids think even without a gargantuan dose of parental alienation and things won't be smooth sailing on that front, particularly with Ella. I don't know that he would ever put the record straight regarding Alice (or tbh that she had an affair, wouldn't put it past her though), but after the way she has besmirched his character, damaged his children, tried to damage his career and made everyone totally miserable, I hope he does and I hope he really goes for it