With respect, it’s down to Bianca to decide whether it’s the best thing that ever happened to her. It’s not for anyone else to say her opinion about her own life is outright wrong.
I don’t like toxic positivity, it’s very much the opposite of the approach I favour, and can find it quite patronising and sickening when it’s applied to someone else’s situation by the speaker. The people who tell someone who’s child has cancer that it’s for the greater good or someone who has lost their home that it’s all part of a plan or who urge everyone forcefully and constantly to look on the bright side. While online dating I instantly rejected anyone who had the kind of glib ‘life’s short so have fun’ ‘don’t take life too seriously’ quotes.
but i’ve noticed Bianca doesn’t try and apply toxic positivity to others, she embodies positivity and chooses to view her own life and experiences through a lens of positivity, as is her right. I don‘t see her trying to walk around telling others to feel how she does.
As I’ve grown older I’ve found that often the people who are extremely ‘positive’ and share motivational cheesy quotes are the ones who rely on it to help them cope with and live with their own traumas, and I can’t fault them for that.