Chatty Member
No, I don't think she's lying. I expect she has been given that diagnosis. I just think that diagnoses go through phases of fashion. Like ADHD at the moment, cyclothymia, eupd. I've been through things listed here,, including sustained domestic violence, and I wouldn't put myself in the same category as those who have been tortured, enslaved, or forced into prostitution. But I also wouldn't post about it publicly under my real name. I think I'm just not in tune with what passes for normal in some circles.When I was younger, various forms of autism were not at all well understood and kids who were neurodivergent were treated as ‘weird’ by both their peers and teachers. Now, we are very aware of ASD and my child knows several other kids with a variety of differences in their class. Are they and their family making it up because it’s ‘trendy’ (seems unlikely and why bother?), or is it because as a society we are far more aware of disabilities that aren’t physical? Could the same be true of mental health challenges like CPTSD, bipolar, anxiety disorder and others?
I’m genuinely curious — are you saying she’s lying about her diagnosis?