Sarah talks to the camera as usual. She tells us they're always late leaving and there is a lot of gammon in the fridge. She doesn't want to throw it away. Anyone know where they stayed from the footage?
They stop at services and buy a
tit load of donuts. Poor baby. Even more sugar. It will come out a 15pound sumo wrestler at this rate.
Off to the scan and Creepy waffles on about it being the anatomy one. Sad music plays as the scan is shown. Sarah isn't shown yet again. Will we be treated to a One Born Every Minute Ingham Special?
They talk us through some parts of the body and we see a 4D scan. Baby is healthy.
Back in the car and Chris tells us they have a Halloween party at Tong Garden Centre. Sarah babbles on about Christmas. The girls do some trick or treat activities. Then they decorate cookies. After the party they look at the Christmas stuff. Chris drops a sneaky hint or two about Lapland. To be honest I'm excited about those Vlogs because I love Lapland.
Sarah moans about a headache and says some bullshit it's because she has her hair up. She tells us the morning sickness is back.
Isla is back at school tomorrow and she wants a pack up so they go to ASDA. They're starting to copy Family Fizz with the noises.
Back home and Isla is excited about school. She tells us she loves Mr Bean.
Sarah tells us it's nice to be home and that they have come home to a package. It's a blue baby monitor. They're obviously not planning on having baby in the room with them. Sarah does a demonstration using the girls and she sounds really creepy in the speaker. I wouldn't want to have her speak to me in my dreams. Quite clearly an undeclared ad.