I love the Jack Monroe-esque detail that her 'bones ache'. Lose some timber and get on the HRT, that'll do wonders for bones. I'm surprised she's not on the Worst Menopause Ever gig yet but I suppose that wouldn't attract her target white knights hoping to get their willies wet and she'd have to stop pretending to have babies.
She's either stopped reading here (unlikely) or she's not quite stupid enough to direct ppl here to see the screenshots of her ex claiming she'd stopped his contact. Hardly fits the heroic abandoned single mum narrative. He may well have been abusive. Calling the mother of your kids a bleep all over FB (even if she is) is hardly decent behaviour. She's got a terrible character but it doesn't necessarily follow that she's lying about all that. False allegations weaponised against an ex do of course happen, painful as that is to accept. I'm reserving judgement on all that personally. Someone doesn't have to be our cup of tea to be a victim (I know I'm preaching to the converted here, I know you all get it).
She's either stopped reading here (unlikely) or she's not quite stupid enough to direct ppl here to see the screenshots of her ex claiming she'd stopped his contact. Hardly fits the heroic abandoned single mum narrative. He may well have been abusive. Calling the mother of your kids a bleep all over FB (even if she is) is hardly decent behaviour. She's got a terrible character but it doesn't necessarily follow that she's lying about all that. False allegations weaponised against an ex do of course happen, painful as that is to accept. I'm reserving judgement on all that personally. Someone doesn't have to be our cup of tea to be a victim (I know I'm preaching to the converted here, I know you all get it).