I don’t understand how she thinks she can talk about burn out when she has a job she can define herself and her work schedule. I think it’s why young people want this type of work instead of a 9-5 role (I don’t blame them!). Actual burn-out I’ve witnessed myself and it happens to people where they wake up and physically can’t get out of bed as they know if they go to work they have to do a workload which is way more than they should be taking on but feel guilty if they say no or can’t handle it. It just reminds me of how little knowledge she has of the workplace when she did that video of “outfits you can wear in the workplace” ages ago and some of them were really inappropriate especially for a corporate role - I’ve had to style women at my job for job interviews so know what people actually expect depending on the job. I just wish she would speak to more people or try and understand the real workplaces people have to deal with on a daily basis especially key workers right now. Also currently people have lost jobs and might have to work multiple jobs just to get by so can’t take a day off if they need to even if they want to - just wish she realised she is very privileged work wise.