Harry Pickard #9 Was he following SW plan? Appears to have morphed into Cesar Millan

Jesus I don’t comment on this thread but what I’m reading is making me howl🤣

The ONLY way to lose weight is by being in a calorie deficit. It’s a scientific FACT.
Wether that be by calorie counting,SW, WW, slim fast, bleeping fasting, any diet you follow and lose weight with, means you’re in a calorie deficit.

Everyone loves to bash something because they don’t agree with it, I hate SW I think it’s the biggest load of tit on the planet, but it does work for some people! My mum being one of them. She did it, lost 2 stone and has happily kept it off for 5+ years. But for me, I did it, lost 3 stone, and regained 5. It doesn’t teach you anything about nutrition but for people who follow it, stick to it and enjoy it- does it really matter if we don’t like it for ourselves? My friend made a valid comment, she rejoined a slimming world group, one she’d never been to before and the consultants first words were ‘WELCOME BACK’ because most of the members go back because it’s (in my opinion) mostly unsustainable!

Sorry to derail- back to Harold. He looks like he’s 2 stone wet through why does he even feel the need to be on sw🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ insta interactions again?👀
Agree, cal deficit is the only way but there’s no way to guarantee you’re in a deficit doing SW when they are telling you you’re allowed unlimited amounts of certain foods!
Agree, cal deficit is the only way but there’s no way to guarantee you’re in a deficit doing SW when they are telling you you’re allowed unlimited amounts of certain foods!

Exactly this when I said I was very anti diet I should probably have made it more clearer in saying toward “ Diet Clubs” with silly rules or systems like points and syns that restrict you to keep you coming back to them and continually paying for the latest information they give out … I’m certainly not against learning about nutrition and calorie deficits.
Exactly this when I said I was very anti diet I should probably have made it more clearer in saying toward “ Diet Clubs” with silly rules or systems like points and syns that restrict you to keep you coming back to them and continually paying for the latest information they give out … I’m certainly not against learning about nutrition and calorie deficits.
The rules and guidelines and lists upon lists are bloody ridiculous, but then they wouldn’t make any money by just telling people or eat less would they? 🤣
Now whilst I’m not anti slimming world.. it works for some people! I was nearly 17 stone when I joined, lost a lot of weight quickly as you do when you’re bigger! I then started circuit training and having regular PT sessions, lifting heavy weights, when I got to about 14stone, I then didn’t lose weight for a week at slimming world, and the consultant told me that I shouldn’t be lifting weights as it affects my losses.. I never went back! I’m now sat at 11.5 stone and maintained that for 4 years! Some consultants may be brilliant ! Others are old fashioned in there ways
Now whilst I’m not anti slimming world.. it works for some people! I was nearly 17 stone when I joined, lost a lot of weight quickly as you do when you’re bigger! I then started circuit training and having regular PT sessions, lifting heavy weights, when I got to about 14stone, I then didn’t lose weight for a week at slimming world, and the consultant told me that I shouldn’t be lifting weights as it affects my losses.. I never went back! I’m now sat at 11.5 stone and maintained that for 4 years! Some consultants may be brilliant ! Others are old fashioned in there ways
Consultants are sales staff, they aren’t fully qualified nutritionists. They’ve done a slimming world ‘nutrition’ course and that’s about it.
What even is his new profile picture?! Tosser.


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