I’ll start off by saying that I’m genuinely glad you finally did something about your weight and found what worked for you, but I guarantee their plan would have worked as well, if you’d followed it. It works for me (when I follow it) and hundreds of thousands of others. WW would do too. People stop losing weight or gain weight because they don’t follow any legitimate version of any weight loss plan. Pretending otherwise makes us look foolish.
Meals should consist of at least 1/3 veg, the rest free food, ideally with plenty of protein to keep you full. And weigh and measure and appropriately count syns and healthy extras (for fibre and calcium). Because they’re higher in fat/sugars and therefore calories. Reach for speed free foods first as snacks,
if hungry, between meals. That’s the SW plan in one paragraph.
Nowhere in their books does anyone mention mashing bananas but if someone stops losing weight and it turns out they’re eating 50 of the fuckers per day in smoothies or as pancakes, then they provide clarification that it should be synned as they’re using them in place of otherwise synned ingredients or reducing the filling power. A single ounce of common sense would tell you that, but people still try and blame SW for it.