@wisebutwild , from your earlier post
".....neither of the Gruesomes spoke up in her defence when it was ‘leaked’ that she was one of the two who was supposed to have made racist remarks about their unborn child."
The Sussexes weren't going to speak up in Catherine's defence when it was "leaked that Catherine was one of the racists", because they spun the lie through Scrotus in his book in the first place. Scrotus denied all knowledge and blamed the publisher, but
this came from the Ho, carefully routed through Chuck who foolishly wrote to the Ho about unconscious bias and expressed his regret, then Scrotus, then the Dutch publisher.
The one who should have stood up for DiL Catherine was Chuck, but he threw her under the bus and didn't support her at her Carol Service the week after. Made himself scarce and went to fondle mushrooms with Cam instead.
None of TRF are racists, but any conversation was between Cam and Chuck, not Catherine and Chuck, but Catherine was branded the other racist and carried the can for Cam imo to appease the Ho. It was an agreement and not denied in the press, no RF clap-back or objection, no defence of Catherine.