Yes, being chronically unwell, especially usually with symptoms that most people blow off as "that's just a bit of sneezing", taking a break and especially doing something else feels like cheating. But part of recovery is building up stamina and resistance bit by bit.
Took an off on Monday because of my eyes (turned out to be allergic conjunctivitis with chances of long-term injury if the symptoms don't abate soon), but I kept feeling weird and guilty, especially around the times I have weekly meetings, even though I was in too much pain to be "all there". Even now I'm feeling guilty about being online when I should be resting, but I'm beyond bored because all of my hobbies involve fumes/dust so I'm trying to avoid them. Screens are safer
With long Covid, I started travelling last year for work. Closer than I used to go before, but still too far for comfort (claustrophobia is back and much worse, and I'm not used to travelling alone, or much). The first time dad went with me, second time I carpooled with a colleague. Hoping to travel by train soon, likely after elections. Then a plane, then on my own. I've got people telling me that I'm being stupid and to just get over it.
I think, or at least do hope, that Catherine is far stronger and more self-assured than I am, and she has a strong support system who won't let her feel too badly or compromise on her recovery ❤
Had Smegs been in her shoes, she would have milked it for all eternity. The "fire in the nursery" still cracks me up