I didn't know what to make of this below post by
@Hitch11 from P. 51 last thread, on Lady C.
I've not seen this posted by
@mardymare ? Has anyone?
"I saw Lady C live on Sunday night. Couple of pearlers:
1) There is 'a photo which proves they have played the system'. The press have it, and it's coming in the Spring.
2) The children "exist" (as she often uses this word, emphasised) - she has checked with the Palace. M creates all the mystery as she is a completely boring non-entity, and it's all done to make the world think she is more interesting than she is. The mystery surrounding the children is not needed on this level, but, "on another level it is required"...
Both statements were followed with "it's in the book!". She has a book out in April. I think it may be Meghan and Harry - The Real Story (updated)
I wonder if the photo is of her putting on her moonbump?!"
Points from
@Hitch11 's post:
▪The Sussexes have "played the system".
Not true, there's no "system" to play and no precedent for this lunacy.
▪Photographic proof in Spring from the press, held back for 5 years?
Unlikely / impossible.
▪The children exist, confirmed by the Palace.
Of course. They're not going to say they're fake are they.
▪The Ho did all this to create mystery as she's so boring.
Not buying it. In no way does fear of being thought boring justify this huge effort by BP and the Sussexes.
The Ho has an ego the size of Everest, and this alone suggests that what Lady C says here is nonsense.
▪The mystery surrounding the children is not needed on this level, but is required on another level.
Very true.
▪Lady C is writing a book
maybe called "
Meghan and Harry - The Real Story".
She has a book to sell. In spring, when she says the Big Reveal will be. Coincidence?
I wonder if Lady C and her book are going to be used by TPTB to gently bring us The Big Reveal? She hints at it more than anyone else, is spaniel-friendly and is a known face everywhere and on here, the forum dedicated to defending our Monarchy. Wears pearls, looks like a friend but I suspect isn't, and would do favours to stay in favour imo. Might be a good choice.
From what
@Hitch11 says, the above points he or she made she could
possibly suggest the way the Palace and the Stoats are going with this. Anodyne, bland, boring, a biracial actress desperate to appear interesting. The RF kindly obliged......nothing to see here, here are the legal birth certificates....all kosher... move on.
Only possibly, just speculation.
@Hitch11 's post is invented.
In which case, apologies.