On the Johanna Sjoberg deposition, this was reported in the Mirror in 2020. The deposition was about groping in 2001.
If PA groped anyone he's a dirty old man and needs a slap.
Neither girl was held captive, they were paid $200 per session and their tuition paid.
VG's legal complaint against JE and GM was made in 2015 and dismissed in 2016.
Republic is on the bandwagon saying these old allegations should be looked at again. Investigate what? JE is dead, Maxwell is in prison and VG has received two cash settlements. VG was 17 yrs 8 months when she supposedly met PA in London, the legal age being 16, and has not been able to prove that she was forced or threatened.
What will be achieved by discrediting PA further? This happened 22 years ago. If the aim of Republic is to discredit the Monarchy, ask Scotland Yard to investigate Charles's relationships with Jimmy Savile and Peter Ball. Go for the head, not somebody who's retired!
PA should never have settled, and BookWorm wonders who convinced him to settle but has an idea who it was. Wonders what his agenda was but won't say any more or will get in trouble. We can draw our own conclusions.