Yes pretty much the long and short of it! The clip of Sheryl Underwood and Sharon Osbourne speaking about it- Underwood basically says that Piers Morgan didn’t make any specific racist comments but it’s just more of a vibe and feeling, and that we should be mindful that he doesn’t like her because of her race (not an an exact quote but it’s the gist of it- I’m aware that I’m being hypocritical by not providing an exact quote but watch it and you’ll see what I mean
) It’s pathetic and a scary prospect that our society is going this way.
I agree, this is what I hate most about this. Being told we're in the wrong but not even being allowed to ask why.
Same thing happened with "Dr" Shola. Someone asked if she could give examples of the racist press coverage - she was horrified that she was asked for evidence to back up her claims and went on to say that that was somehow an example of racism, and that to not be racist we just had to take her word for it.
We're told it's not their job to tell us when we're being racist and that it's racist to suggest it is up to them to call people out.
We told we have to "educate ourselves". How, exactly? And on what? I've seen people claim racism because their African name has been spelt incorrectly on their Starbucks order. Do we have to educate ourselves on the spelling and pronunciation of all African names?
A white person is asked if they've witnessed racism. They say "not at that time" and they're immediately told they aren't qualified to answer because they wouldn't know racism because they're white.
We're told every white person is racist. That a whole family is racist because an old family member made an insensitive comment.
We're told we're racist because we don't like Meghan Markle. Or don't believe her, don't trust her, only partly believe her, haven't directly contacted her or if we doubt she's experience racism.
Its just a way to shut down debate.
I know how hard it is for black people - they encounter huge setbacks simply because of the colour of their skin. But these race baiting arguments and provocateurs who appear on GMB and Twitter are just causing trouble and increasing tensions.