Reading more carefully, it seems that Harry was involved in the mistreatment of staff too.
From the Mail:
" The Times reports that even before the wedding, one aide told a colleague the couple were both 'outrageous bullies' and said they were considering resigning. "
We already knew Harry had resorted to the highly improper harganguing of Angela Kelly on Smegan's behalf BEFORE the wedding and was reprimanded by the Queen for it, and the story allowed to leak fairly early on (perhaps as a warning from BP). If Harry felt fine speaking to the Queen's best friend of many, many years like she was a piece of
tit before marriage, I can only imagine how 'empowered' he might have felt to start shitting on staff once Smeg had her ugly feet firmly under the table. He's clearly dominated by his wife and has done the old submissive standard of echoing his partner's worst qualities. I hink he's scared of her rage, as it likely gets turned on him (and likely the sex tap abruptly turned off) if she doesn' get her way 100% of he time, and he's willing to ruin any other relationship in his life to keep her 'happy', including working ones. He's been willing to
duck over his own blood for her, can' see why he wouldn't join in with her destructive treatment of mere employees.
It all explains why 'nobody asked if Meghan was OK' ... I can quite believe they didn't after she had spent months making sure nobody else felt ok in their own workplace. Funny that, Smeg. Imagine, people you treat like scum not giving a
duck about you. Imagine spending every day stamping around the workplace like an ogre, trying to destroy people's wellbeing and confidence and then being shocked nobody cares to enquire over your innermost feelings. Of course, she's a classic narc, she can't work it out. Even when she's the aggressor, she's absolutely the victim because only her feelings exist, or count. She's the centre of the universe and it's not her 'job to coddle people' bu naturally SHE should be 'coddled' and pandered to at all times. She's SPECIAL and IMPORTANT and you're not.