I bloody hope not! I think if that was the case he wouldn't broadcast it, he would do it under the cover of darkness. Sneak in like a thief in the night and squirrel himself away somewhere under Papa's protection while she spontaneously combusts with rage. Separation will be on her terms, when she she says so.
He really is not man enough to face the world and admit he was wrong and that EVERYONE else was right. His inflated ego just couldn't take that ...... and oh what joy the media would have reporting the event in the minutest detail ...... revenge would be sweet for the tabloids.
It could be like a special "Royal" Hunted...
Released under cover of darkness from an airport in the south - or maybe the midlands - of England, with only his own personal paid for protection team (1 man & a service/emotional support dog) as back-up, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton (don't mention that) scuttled off into the distance in his camouflage uniform and back pack.
They booked into a local Travelodge, under the assumed names of G. Twunt and B Guard.
Planning their journey, they whipped out their OS maps. B.Guard took the time to draw some rudimentary sketches to convert the travel instructions for G.Twunt from the OS guide, and they set off once more with their trusty service/support dog (who, btw, was also under the protection of B.Guard ).
Meanwhile, the "hunters", the media photographers and journalists were watching and recording their every move - as tipped off by their secret mole from inside G.Twunt's camp, "Mega.Twunt".
G.Twunt did not know what hit him when he emerged from the Travelodge the next morning, on his way to "bury the hatchet" at a family "reunion", when he was met by a host of photographers and TV cameras.
And heavens knows how Netflix got insider footage of him pacing around the Travelodge room smoking a giant spliff and phoning up "contacts" to enquire about "local mushroom delicacies".
Meanwhile, back in Monteshito and BH - for the first time in years - Mega.Twunt was spotted "lunching with friends" and "carrying" her eternally "young toddlers" around the local back streets of BH.