Know what rips my knitting? Two things really.
First, SM (and of course sea faring SMBD) is what paid her bills pre trev and hazza. Hypocritical
Second, she is squawking like a demented harpy about being attacked via SM since marrying her eunoch prince, yet the real Royals have been dealing with this
tit for years over and over and over. Endless battering (yes, sometimes deserved) but they know it's best ignored most of the time . They suck it up and mosey along doing their bits and bobs. Always one or more in the firing line. Kate had 9 years of it pre marriage to William, but cuntchops dismisses all that as beneath her attention because SHE has had some harsh criticism and a lot of her secrets are worming their way out.
bleep is on a one woman campaign to try to build a dam to prevent more leaks about her, yet the stupid tart has started a war with the media through vexatious litigation ... even to the point of sueing on behalf of her one year old child because gosh almighty, that horrid unwashed public may have caught a glimpse of one chubby cheek of his. Seriously? She's Hollyweird immersed but yet the Streisand effect has passed her by. I know for sure from workmates that most of them assumed the baby images she's sueing over were of nappy changes or something similarly personal. so they were in her corner till I suggested they look for themselves. The girls were unaware of the child so they googled him. They cannot believe she's sueing over a chubby cheek image or two while having
herself posted a video of him on her knee in a vest and rather full looking nappy. Sheesh. Get a grip cuntchops.