Hi, long time lurker here! Thank you for enlightening me over the past few months! As an American, I am embarrassed that Meghan Markle is from here. The moment I watched her performance during the engagement interview with Harry a few years ago my bs meter immediately went off. She’s what I call an eager beaver (mind you, not the kind of beaver you all referred to upthread, ha! But now that I think about it, that applies too!) Anyway, way too eager, way too talkative and interruptive. My reaction to it was, “slow your roll, girl!” She came off phony, it was uncomfortable to watch and I was suspicious of her. I actually never knew she was black until it was mentioned at the wedding. I assumed she was Hispanic, not that it matters, but everyone was making a big deal about her being African American and I was thinking, why?
To me, it was more jaw dropping that he was marrying an American, and I was not happy with his choice. I figured she was going to go in and try to single handedly attempt to modernize the monarchy with Oprah Winfrey chirping in her ear and that she would embarrass herself and finally slow down after a strong dose of reality. I never bought that she was a victim of racism.
I think most Americans are probably just beginning to see MM as problematic. Most don’t really know 25% of what is discussed on these threads. I’ve always had interest in the Royal Family and follow more closely than most. When we go through the grocery line and see headlines about MM and PH in magazines we assume most of it is false and breeze past it.
It wasn’t until they made the decision to leave the UK that I realized what a pair of entitled Douchebags they were. Eyes wide open now and I’m disappointed with Harry, Meghan not so much. They’re both trash.