Thanks for the consideration, but we're not "sinking fast". Yes we're doing worse than the other nordic countries but that was always gonna happen as we got half our population living crowded around the capital area and 1 million swedes were abroad when the pandemic started due to our "spring break". We were doomed from the start, but we're not doing even close to as bad as people suggested when they heard we weren't doing lockdown. Here's how the imperial collage suggested we would do compaired to how we actually did:
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Our curve is stable. We haven't peaked. And oppose to what international media might tell you, no there are no dead bodies on the streets. We're ok. We're not "slowly going under". 80 % of are cases are in stockholm. The rest of the country are doing well, even better than most nordic in terms of deaths per capital. Also worth mentioning is how "precise" our counting is compaired to many other countries, meaning that if you die and has had corona within the last 30 days before your death, you're part of our "corona death statistic". You could be dying of cancer, get corona, beat corona, then die of cancer 25 days later and you'll still be listed as a corona related death. That's how we count, and thats why 90 % of our death are above the age of 70, because many of them would have died anyway and just happend to have corona within 30 days before their death. But yea, international media doesn't like to talk about that because that wouldn't make sweden as fun of a punchbag.
Sorry. Didn't mean to interupt the thread. I'm just so tired with people thinking sweden are the fckn apocalypse.