TMZ saying lilibet is nowhere to be seen on the Line of Succession list -
Nearly 2 months after the birth of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's daughter ... she's still MIA from the official Royal line of succession.
Er, Lilibet is nowhere to be seen - literally.
So instead of spinning their nasty headlines to make it sound like the Royal family are being nasty, how about doing some journalism and investigating some news on Lilibet's existence.
Nobody has clapped eyes on her!
How about writing some articles about THAT!
And she can't just be included in the line of successsion because Meghan and Harry want her to be.
Meghan doesn't always get what meghan wants.
Manifesting sounds great in theory but if one person manifests Lili being put onto the succesion list and another manifests just as strongly for Lili not to be on the list what does the universe do about that then?
They can't both happen.
This all makes good sense to me.
She hates them because they found out her lies and told her to go.
And she had to go before she got what she wanted.
And a thwarted narcissist is gonna kick off big time.
When was harry spotted with the black eye and bruises?