VIP Member
I had wondered how on earth they managed to bag him, but guessed they made him an offer he couldn't financially refuse. It's a shifting sands industry and I daresay he went with the big payday of the moment, but it made me uneasy when they bagged him. I thought "oh tit, this guy looks good on paper, maybe he'll help them churn out some spectaculars and we'll have nothing bad to comment on, dammit!". But it looks like he took money, had a look around at what he had to work with for projects and decided it was too much of a shambles to pull anything out of the bag with. His movie success may have been the 'out' he needed, as in "Sorry guys, my other movie projects need my full attention and I feel I can't give you 100%, so best we part company rather than drag things out. Obviously I'll issue a flowery sentimental farewell announcement, but thanks for the dosh. See ya around guys."İnteresting about Ben Browning - İ wondered how he was getting along and now we know. What a mess.
So that's more money they pissed away with nothing to show for it.