It's not difficult to put billboards up, and Republic have been flogging their dead horse for a long time and it's not gained traction or become more popular. So lovely to hear the crowds and William belting out our National Anthem. Anti-monarchists every one of them! Like the crowds singing for HM when she arrived at the races, showing their support, and when PP died.
The RF is going through a difficult time with HM nearing the end of her reign, worries about Camilla and the attacks by the treasonous son. But I think Charles will be OK, William and Catherine have turned out to be treasures along with Sophie and Edward, and the vast majority of people love our Monarchy.
I'd like to know who the sour Republic stiflers of our patriotism propose to install in place of the Monarch. An Erdogan or Macron? Tittering creepy dwarf Macron spent over 60,000 Euros on make-up in one year.
Republic won't happen, the Monarchy is safe and being quietly guided by us Tattlers. I'm not joking. BP need feedback, and they may have noted our approval of their grey-rock tactics. Our conclusions and observations have been picked up and implemented so clearly Geidt and Young follow this thread, discuss our advice over kippers in the morning, and then present our / their advice to HMTQ. Also the newspapers comments sections, which mirror what we say here.
There are lots of clever people on this site with legal and technical know-how, and unlike the gormless uneducated SS bots we are a different kettle of fish. I would say hand on heart that we are the voice of Middle Britain and that we are being quietly listened to.
On a bum note because it relates to Minge, the new Freda avatar recycled from threads back is haunting. I can still see it when I close my eyes....I saw the Minge face in a pile of swedes in Asda today...