Other brands are availableThere seem to be an awful lot of adverts on TV for Richmond sausages.
That's a burger, surelyOther brands are available
I prefer the Scottish pure beef square slice my butcher makes
Thank you for the cropped classy title @freda19 and the great recap @cassandra.A bit I wrote before realised the last thread had closed:
I suspect many of us have referred to the behaviour of the geriatric ginge teen as that of a bleeping asshole. If we want to go into empirical evidence, I am happy to face anyone who wants to say that his behaviour is not the behaviour of a bleeping asshole. As long as there is an agreed definition thereof.
I'm not into name calling nor have I ever been into name calling, but poor behaviour? Yeah. I will call that tit out and have always called that tit out.
Never!That's a burger, surely
Has someone said we need to stick to one insult only? Who? Where? Why?Thank you for the cropped classy title @freda19 and the great recap @cassandra.
I'm a bit anxious here with my cocoa and don't want to put my foot in it. Is he or isn't he a F Asshole? Are we agreed that he Is one and should be addressed as such? I am happy to face anyone as well who says that he's not a F Asshole (though how I'd go about it not too sure as I'm not confrontational) as I think he is and the evidence is Empirical as you say.
I don't want to stir up apathy on this thread, but do we need to stick to one name for him and not slag him off? Many posters here me included have called them all sorts of names, some of them very colourful as you know!
I can't settle with my choc chip muffin, so await your clarification please but PDQ so it doesn't go stale
Please can I nominate the term numpty bollocks. I think it’s quite a fitting title to the Artist Formerly Known as Prince.Thank you for the cropped classy title @freda19 and the great recap @cassandra.
I'm a bit anxious here with my cocoa and don't want to put my foot in it. Is he or isn't he a F Asshole? Are we agreed that he Is one and should be addressed as such? I am happy to face anyone as well who says that he's not a F Asshole (though how I'd go about it not too sure as I'm not confrontational). I think he is a FA and the evidence is Empirical as you say.
I don't want to stir up apathy on this thread, but do we need to stick to one name for him and not slag him off? Many posters here me included have called them all sorts of names, some of them very colourful as you know!
I can't settle with my choc chip muffin, so await your clarification please but PDQ so it doesn't go stale
ETA All the best of luck with your return to work @Bubblesdahling . You'll knock them dead! X
Just seen
ETA was an angela levin tweet saying that Harry and Meghan hadn't delivered for Spotify and to look out for tomorrow's Sun
I know and sadly I didn't screenshot hence the edit so people could get the gistTweet unavailable, checked Angelas twitter, nothing there what did it say please?
He will do a performance to rival Alex 'Hurricane Higgins' when Higgins won the world snooker championshipWhat on earth for? So he could be the centre of attention and run about distracting everyone? Utterly ridiculous.
How about The Tosser Formerly Known as Prince?Please can I nominate the term numpty bollocks. I think it’s quite a fitting title to the Artist Formerly Known as Prince.
I Dunno l never rated Ken Wharfe to be honestHas anyone spotted this (sorry if so)
Prince Harry was a natural listener and a fun person, according to Ken Wharfe.
Either Ken is a bad judge of character or the transformation has been absolutely total. I think he's doing enough pills to fell an elephant
ETA I meant Hazno, but perhaps Ken pops a few as well
For fucks sake this idiot must be zonked out 24/7Has anyone spotted this (sorry if so)
Prince Harry was a natural listener and a fun person, according to Ken Wharfe.
Either Ken is a bad judge of character or the transformation has been absolutely total. I think he's doing enough pills to fell an elephant
ETA I meant Hazno, but perhaps Ken pops a few as well