The idea before wokerism went nuts was the lack of opportunities for black and other PoC people, because somehow casting by "the right person for the role" invariably defaulted the role to a white actor because of numbers even where racism and exclusion of PoC wasn't the intention.
Now it's "let X people tell their own stories". Well, then why should we have Joaquin Phoenix playing Johnny Cash when you could just dig up Johnny Cash to tell his own story? It's stupid.
I disagree with Jodie as Anne, not because of the optics of a black woman in the role, but the fact that they can't now just pretend her blackness was invisible to everyone around her at a point in history that everyone is familiar with. Sometimes colourblind casting does not work. Now if someone says a black person can't play Aragorn or James Bond or some fictional tit, then that's obviously wrong.