I think the baby has arrived. By whatever means. And I suspect they'll announce it at that interview tomorrow.
Yeah, hijack a supposed mental health update, that sounds very marklish.
I don't believe the dinner party story, but I think it is very likely based on an incident which was much less of a duff duff event.*
I would guess they were guests, were being handsy/cunts and she didn't fit in so sulked in between playing with his unrestrained dick under the table.
She has nothing in common with his old Etonian groups, nothing to relate to in their lifestyle and the chat of grouse shoots and deer hunting would have been high on the agenda. I could picture her feigning illness to get away early and then with eyes brimming with fake tears (her expertise) telling #6 that she overheard them dissing her and there is no way she wants any of them at HER wedding. Job done.
*For non UK posters, an explanation of Duff Duff.
The final cliff hanger moments in Eastenders when something dramatic happens to make you excited for the next episode.
The term refers to the drum beats in the closing theme tune.