Hannah Gale #20 The Little Joys Of Finding The Most Intolerable Bellend On Instagram

I also think surely Chris makes sure they’re all sorted. I really don’t think she forgot? Her older kid will have said when he came in and probably asked her where it is. My theory is, she hasn’t unpacked the boys stuff properly as she’s been too busy doing her and TB’s stuff and they’re in a box and she couldn’t find them so said she “forgot”
What a basic c**t!!


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Also, are those not the bottoms of the PJs she got from The Night Store, with the feather boa trim round the sleeves of the top - the ones she said she was planning to wear on Christmas Day? I kind of assumed she meant wearing them in the house, not elsewhere….
Her grammar is appalling.
Can’t stop imagining going to their house for dinner and half way through Hannah goes “hang on a sec just need to shoot some ~content” and sets her phone up recording, comes back to the table and pretends to drink and laugh and then goes over and picks her phone up.
I’d walk out. Have some respect.