Grackle #7 Baby is here, a good wifey to Rick, the thought of her procreating still gives me the ick

I would think that even if she had a very traumatic birth she would never label it as such because her role is to keep churning out the spawns not matter what. Showing Chole’s baby and not her own is a very weird choice, and also a weird flex like, “my tiny is TOO precious for social media but yours isn’t 💅🏻

I think she's far too composed tbh to have had a super traumatic birth, she's gone from being an adult child to a wife and mother in what felt like split seconds, I don't think her mental health could withstand serious trauma and intervention especially with a support network who basically tells you to just bleeping deal with it, to be honest I'm surprised she's taken to being a mum as well as she has, I thought she'd be seriously overwhelmed (although she could be behind closed doors). I'm happy for her though, I didn't want it to go otherwise.
I also didn’t think it sounded that dramatic. Apart from having to labour in the ward instead of at home, and getting mistaken for the wrong woman which is awful, sounds like she got her bath, went into labour a day before her due date, had her water birth, didn’t need intervention. I’m glad it went well but it sounded fairly straightforward to me lol.
I also didn’t think it sounded that dramatic. Apart from having to labour in the ward instead of at home, and getting mistaken for the wrong woman which is awful, sounds like she got her bath, went into labour a day before her due date, had her water birth, didn’t need intervention. I’m glad it went well but it sounded fairly straightforward to me lol.
It's a really positive first birth isn't it! I hope she knows this or realises it in time. As a high risk pregnancy due end of Jan I really enjoyed hearing her story. Mine will likely go differently as I'll be pressured to induce early but if it was like graces I'd be soo happy. Really happy for her. She seems a lot more healthy and happy already, even if it means she's back to being slightly annoying 🤣🤣🤣 sorry this is tattle after all...
I hope she had a relatively good experience. Giving birth is a huge risk in general and puts a lot of strain on your body even if you have a relatively good experience. People giving birth are honestly amazing and it can't get praised enough in my opinion. I do hope having a baby makes her happy and I hope she takes good care of herself as well.
I know we all snark on her here but from a human to another human, I do wish she will be able to develop a very special bond with her baby, I do think she has a lot of love to give.

Also @jackolantern you asked earlier if anyone had a good experience giving birth. One of my best friends had 2 super easy births (her words, not mine! i have no idea what it's like). 2 water births, she said it was quite painless and in and out of the hospital they went. One of my other best friends had a rough first birth but a super easy second one (again, her words not mine). Second time her water broke, they drove to the hospital and she said 5 hours laters they were back at home. My mom also had a good experience with me (second birth).
It's such a mixed bag isn't it? One of my other friends nearly died giving birth, a former colleague of mine as well. They had it super-super rough and till this day they are both really traumatized by what happened and never had a second baby.
I feel like you never know what you are going to get, it's so mixed!
I hope she had a relatively good experience. Giving birth is a huge risk in general and puts a lot of strain on your body even if you have a relatively good experience. People giving birth are honestly amazing and it can't get praised enough in my opinion. I do hope having a baby makes her happy and I hope she takes good care of herself as well.
I know we all snark on her here but from a human to another human, I do wish she will be able to develop a very special bond with her baby, I do think she has a lot of love to give.

Also @jackolantern you asked earlier if anyone had a good experience giving birth. One of my best friends had 2 super easy births (her words, not mine! i have no idea what it's like). 2 water births, she said it was quite painless and in and out of the hospital they went. One of my other best friends had a rough first birth but a super easy second one (again, her words not mine). Second time her water broke, they drove to the hospital and she said 5 hours laters they were back at home. My mom also had a good experience with me (second birth).
It's such a mixed bag isn't it? One of my other friends nearly died giving birth, a former colleague of mine as well. They had it super-super rough and till this day they are both really traumatized by what happened and never had a second baby.
I feel like you never know what you are going to get, it's so mixed!

Ah that's so lovely to here, I was starting to think 'good' births were a myth lol. Me and my OH really want a 2nd baby but after 3 years are still both too traumatised to go through it again (plus you always know it could be even worse and I'm getting toward geriatric now - don't you just love that word?), so I can totally understand your friends/colleagues. Tbh I'm always jealous of stories like Graces' and probably undermine her stress a bit because I wish I'd had that level lmfao
To be fair she was talking about early labour then. It's v v common to labour at home until you enter second stage or feel yourself progressing. And the emergency came when she was literally pushing him out, hour and hours later. She absolutely should've stayed home since she was put on an induction ward which is just miserable. And being hooked to machines wrongly is shocking I'd personally complain! She could've come in much later and been taken straight to the MLU. All in all her birth story sounded pretty good and I am so pleased he came out with that push before they started interventions. She's lucky he did too. They were both fine and the in and out rocking is a natural and normal part of labour, baby probably wasn't distressed but not having an episiotomy or forceps delivery is definitely much better so it was a close one!
Ahhhh okay that makes more sense to me now — thanks for the explanation!
I hope she had a relatively good experience. Giving birth is a huge risk in general and puts a lot of strain on your body even if you have a relatively good experience. People giving birth are honestly amazing and it can't get praised enough in my opinion. I do hope having a baby makes her happy and I hope she takes good care of herself as well.
I know we all snark on her here but from a human to another human, I do wish she will be able to develop a very special bond with her baby, I do think she has a lot of love to give.

Also @jackolantern you asked earlier if anyone had a good experience giving birth. One of my best friends had 2 super easy births (her words, not mine! i have no idea what it's like). 2 water births, she said it was quite painless and in and out of the hospital they went. One of my other best friends had a rough first birth but a super easy second one (again, her words not mine). Second time her water broke, they drove to the hospital and she said 5 hours laters they were back at home. My mom also had a good experience with me (second birth).
It's such a mixed bag isn't it? One of my other friends nearly died giving birth, a former colleague of mine as well. They had it super-super rough and till this day they are both really traumatized by what happened and never had a second baby.
I feel like you never know what you are going to get, it's so mixed!
You just never know what you will get and it's all pure lucky really. I had a pretty awful birth, 36 hour labour after being induced at 36+4 for preterm rupture of my waters, ended up with forceps and stitches, I was exhausted at the end and then we spent another week in hospital as our little one had jaundice. I know a girl at work who had a 4 hour from start to finish labour, bang on 41 weeks, in the pool, no pain relief and she said it was the most enlightening and empowering experience she's ever had; almost spiritual in level of calmness and emotion. She was home two hours later as well.

My sister had to have several stitches and a third degree tear with her second but she said her labour with him was amazing, even with that and the ongoing issues and if they wanted a third she'd be all over it because it was such a nice experience.
Ah that's so lovely to here, I was starting to think 'good' births were a myth lol. Me and my OH really want a 2nd baby but after 3 years are still both too traumatised to go through it again (plus you always know it could be even worse and I'm getting toward geriatric now - don't you just love that word?), so I can totally understand your friends/colleagues. Tbh I'm always jealous of stories like Graces' and probably undermine her stress a bit because I wish I'd had that level lmfao

I just wanted to say that it's absolutely possible to have a "good" labour and birth. My first was horrible and traumatic so I was very anxious about having another. We opted for a planned C-section and it was honestly the best experience. I'd highly recommend doing this if you are anxious about a second labour after a traumatic first.

Also- I am 'geriatric' (lol) at 35 having my second.
I just wanted to say that it's absolutely possible to have a "good" labour and birth. My first was horrible and traumatic so I was very anxious about having another. We opted for a planned C-section and it was honestly the best experience. I'd highly recommend doing this if you are anxious about a second labour after a traumatic first.

Also- I am 'geriatric' (lol) at 35 having my second.
Sorry to me-rail but how did you find the C section for a second baby? I wish I'd asked for a C section for mine rather than being told to go down the induction route, but everyone says C sections with a toddler are a nightmare. If I was offered or told I needed an induction again I would want to avoid it.
Sorry to me-rail but how did you find the C section for a second baby? I wish I'd asked for a C section for mine rather than being told to go down the induction route, but everyone says C sections with a toddler are a nightmare. If I was offered or told I needed an induction again I would want to avoid it.

Sorry to jump in... I had emcs with first and elective with 2nd and it was the most chilled experience and my first was fine after, granted she was 4 at the time! I got a book called "mommy has a c section" to help prepare her. But honestly apart from no heavy lifting my recovery from elective section was night and day compared to emergency!
I just wanted to say that it's absolutely possible to have a "good" labour and birth. My first was horrible and traumatic so I was very anxious about having another. We opted for a planned C-section and it was honestly the best experience. I'd highly recommend doing this if you are anxious about a second labour after a traumatic first.

Also- I am 'geriatric' (lol) at 35 having my second.

Thank you 🥰 I actually had severe preeclampsia so unfortunately there's not much I can do to avoid the risk second time around lol, I have to say I was deathly afraid of a c-section and it was actually the least traumatising part in the end 😆😆😆 Honestly women go through so bleeping much to have children, I hope Grace doesn't just become a continuous baby making machine for Mr Grack Attack
Thank you 🥰 I actually had severe preeclampsia so unfortunately there's not much I can do to avoid the risk second time around lol, I have to say I was deathly afraid of a c-section and it was actually the least traumatising part in the end 😆😆😆 Honestly women go through so bleeping much to have children, I hope Grace doesn't just become a continuous baby making machine for Mr Grack Attack
She didn’t sound keen to go through pregnancy again anytime soon from one of her TikToks but time will tell.
To be fair she was talking about early labour then. It's v v common to labour at home until you enter second stage or feel yourself progressing. And the emergency came when she was literally pushing him out, hour and hours later. She absolutely should've stayed home since she was put on an induction ward which is just miserable. And being hooked to machines wrongly is shocking I'd personally complain! She could've come in much later and been taken straight to the MLU. All in all her birth story sounded pretty good and I am so pleased he came out with that push before they started interventions. She's lucky he did too. They were both fine and the in and out rocking is a natural and normal part of labour, baby probably wasn't distressed but not having an episiotomy or forceps delivery is definitely much better so it was a close one!

Why should she have stayed at home?

I actually get annoyed annoyed influencers advise going against medical advice, advocating for yourself, you know yourself best etc. When it comes to birth. She was a high risk pregnancy and the hospital wanted to assess her. They only do that because they believe its in her best interest, you can make a decision that goes against medical advise sure but it pissed me off that she's essentially telling people to do this.

I don't think anyone can say what was the right decision for her without knowing her medical history. Just as she can't advise people to advocate for themselves and not go in to hospital for assessment when the hospital asks this
I know she was mad about being told to shut it but they are right in the sense of you are expelling energy through screaming and that energy can be put more into pushing baby out as you do need to breathe a different way.

They basically would have not allowed her in the pool at all if they thought it was going to be a complicated birth.

She definitely shouldn’t have been hooked up to all these monitors but I get the impression it was the ones to track babies heart rate if she was in the induction ward.

Also by what she was saying I got the impression that her husband complained about a lot of things to get their way on things.

In regards to a positive first time birth - I gave birth this year at 38+5. My waters broke but I had no contractions start so had to be induced at 1cm. I was given the gel and 5 hours later my little one was born. I did have Uterine hyperstimulation though so basically didn’t have any gap between contractions. I only had gas and air but despite the contraction pain and being exhausting it was a very positive experience.
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Sorry to me-rail but how did you find the C section for a second baby? I wish I'd asked for a C section for mine rather than being told to go down the induction route, but everyone says C sections with a toddler are a nightmare. If I was offered or told I needed an induction again I would want to avoid it.

Honestly it was a total breeze but I know I'm in the minority with that so think I just got very lucky! I was on my feet the day after and walking around Ikea three days later :ROFLMAO: I was honestly expecting to be in bed for a week or two, which I think is likely more the norm. My daughter was 3 at the time so it was a little easier than with a toddler-toddler but still she was (is) a lot to handle.
Why should she have stayed at home?

I actually get annoyed annoyed influencers advise going against medical advice, advocating for yourself, you know yourself best etc. When it comes to birth. She was a high risk pregnancy and the hospital wanted to assess her. They only do that because they believe its in her best interest, you can make a decision that goes against medical advise sure but it pissed me off that she's essentially telling people to do this.
I don't think anyone can say what was the right decision for her without knowing her medical history. Just as she can't advise people to advocate for themselves and not go in to hospital for assessment when the hospital asks this
Well no of course I cant say for sure but there isn't any need to go in so early. I'm not saying she should've had a home birth, just until it progresses the best thing you can do is stay somewhere safe and get your oxytocin building up. Not saying to ignore medical advice just wait until necessary. And she should have as she was literally put on an induction ward as she wasn't in active labour yet so they couldn't give her a room... not sure how many babies you've had but they will always advise you come in to be checked and it's well within your right to say you'd rather wait at home until you've progressed, if you were made to feel otherwise.. Just like you can chose where to birth, whether you want vaginal checks and sweeps etc.

So maybe I worded it wrong I'm not saying she SHOULD have stayed home quite in that sense more that she knew she didn't want to be in hospital that early and that is fine. She didn't need to be there yet.

Why was she high risk? I missed that, seems they changed their mind when realising 'tiny' wasn't measuring large - she wouldn't have been allowed a water birth or to give birth on a mlu if high risk?
Honestly it was a total breeze but I know I'm in the minority with that so think I just got very lucky! I was on my feet the day after and walking around Ikea three days later :ROFLMAO: I was honestly expecting to be in bed for a week or two, which I think is likely more the norm. My daughter was 3 at the time so it was a little easier than with a toddler-toddler but still she was (is) a lot to handle.

You were walking around after a c section? That's really interesting. Sorry to those not interested at all in pregnancy and labour but I'm currently weighing up whether to elect for a c section or be induced early as high risk and that's so lovely to know how well it went for you!! Congratulations
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Well no of course I cant say for sure but there isn't any need to go in so early. I'm not saying she should've had a home birth, just until it progresses the best thing you can do is stay somewhere safe and get your oxytocin building up. Not saying to ignore medical advice just wait until necessary. And she should have as she was literally put on an induction ward as she wasn't in active labour yet so they couldn't give her a room... not sure how many babies you've had but they will always advise you come in to be checked and it's well within your right to say you'd rather wait at home until you've progressed, if you were made to feel otherwise.. Just like you can chose where to birth, whether you want vaginal checks and sweeps etc.

So maybe I worded it wrong I'm not saying she SHOULD have stayed home quite in that sense more that she knew she didn't want to be in hospital that early and that is fine. She didn't need to be there yet.

Why was she high risk? I missed that, seems they changed their mind when realising 'tiny' wasn't measuring large - she wouldn't have been allowed a water birth or to give birth on a mlu if high risk?

You were walking around after a c section? That's really interesting. Sorry to those not interested at all in pregnancy and labour but I'm currently weighing up whether to elect for a c section or be induced early as high risk and that's so lovely to know how well it went for you!! Congratulations

I was up walking after both of my c sections the next day, id have been walking as soon as the epidural wore off with my elective if they hadnt left the catheter in til the next day 🤣.😑 Did an hours walk a week after my elective (usually that walk takes 40/45 mins max). The quicker you're up and mobile the easier the recovery!
I was up walking after both of my c sections the next day, id have been walking as soon as the epidural wore off with my elective if they hadnt left the catheter in til the next day 🤣.😑 Did an hours walk a week after my elective (usually that walk takes 40/45 mins max). The quicker you're up and mobile the easier the recovery!
Same for me! I wanted to get up sooner but had the catheter! I actually (stupidly) found myself moving the sofa by myself the week after it to clean 🤦‍♀️totallystupid as I could have done some damage but the point being I felt absolutely fine! All in all it was such a positive experience.. the actual operation I've described as enjoyable even!
Well no of course I cant say for sure but there isn't any need to go in so early. I'm not saying she should've had a home birth, just until it progresses the best thing you can do is stay somewhere safe and get your oxytocin building up. Not saying to ignore medical advice just wait until necessary. And she should have as she was literally put on an induction ward as she wasn't in active labour yet so they couldn't give her a room... not sure how many babies you've had but they will always advise you come in to be checked and it's well within your right to say you'd rather wait at home until you've progressed, if you were made to feel otherwise.. Just like you can chose where to birth, whether you want vaginal checks and sweeps etc.

So maybe I worded it wrong I'm not saying she SHOULD have stayed home quite in that sense more that she knew she didn't want to be in hospital that early and that is fine. She didn't need to be there yet.

Why was she high risk? I missed that, seems they changed their mind when realising 'tiny' wasn't measuring large - she wouldn't have been allowed a water birth or to give birth on a mlu if high risk?

You were walking around after a c section? That's really interesting. Sorry to those not interested at all in pregnancy and labour but I'm currently weighing up whether to elect for a c section or be induced early as high risk and that's so lovely to know how well it went for you!! Congratulations

Yep. Obviously everyone recovers differently but don't let the negative c-section stories put you off it. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Same for me! I wanted to get up sooner but had the catheter! I actually (stupidly) found myself moving the sofa by myself the week after it to clean 🤦‍♀️totallystupid as I could have done some damage but the point being I felt absolutely fine! All in all it was such a positive experience.. the actual operation I've described as enjoyable even!

Yep. Obviously everyone recovers differently but don't let the negative c-section stories put you off it. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I think sometimes you know your own body and if you're overdoing it! And obviously while it is major surgery when it's elective your body most likely hasn't gone through the exhaustion of labour so the recovery is quicker

I could not fault my elective and it helped heal the trauma from my emergency!