I feel really torn about this! I think she's kind of positioned herself as someone who keeps it real (in terms of food, feelings, etc), but I also think her upbringing and environment wouldn't allow her to be outwardly struggling with motherhood other than the occasional "this is harder than I thought" comment. I think she's generally enjoying motherhood, but if she was struggling a lot, she'd probably just disappear from the internet for a while (which would be fine, of course).I must say she does seem really happy and like she's settled in to mum life ridiculously easy. Do we think its genuine? Does seem to be, but I guess she's not the sort to really open up about struggles.
I was thinking this yesterday while watching her festive food video. It could be because she's so young/childish/immature (pick the right word) that she's had even more unsollicited advice from church mothers around her and she has taken it all on so everything is fine, everything is normal and everything is great and she has a ton of support.I feel really torn about this! I think she's kind of positioned herself as someone who keeps it real (in terms of food, feelings, etc), but I also think her upbringing and environment wouldn't allow her to be outwardly struggling with motherhood other than the occasional "this is harder than I thought" comment. I think she's generally enjoying motherhood, but if she was struggling a lot, she'd probably just disappear from the internet for a while (which would be fine, of course).
Unclear but it sounds like Mr Grack made them, but used old eggs and either he or she had to remake them. Which is quite a random tidbit lol.Did I mishear during her pregnancy video on extra grack?. Did she say after her waters broke, she still made scrambled eggs for her and Mr Grack to have before they left for the hospital?
Put that law degree brain to work king!I was pleased to at least hear that Mr Grack really seemed to understand what she needed in the hospital.
I also had a second degree tear with my first. Everyone is different I guess but I personally didn’t find my tear too bad and recovered easily from it. Getting the stitches was the worst part of it.I thought her birth story sounded stressful and a bit traumatic. Especially when she got a second degree tear from being so keen to get him out fast (this is something that worries me a lot about birth so maybe it’s just me!) I’m glad she got through it ok though.
To be fair she was talking about early labour then. It's v v common to labour at home until you enter second stage or feel yourself progressing. And the emergency came when she was literally pushing him out, hour and hours later. She absolutely should've stayed home since she was put on an induction ward which is just miserable. And being hooked to machines wrongly is shocking I'd personally complain! She could've come in much later and been taken straight to the MLU. All in all her birth story sounded pretty good and I am so pleased he came out with that push before they started interventions. She's lucky he did too. They were both fine and the in and out rocking is a natural and normal part of labour, baby probably wasn't distressed but not having an episiotomy or forceps delivery is definitely much better so it was a close one!Just saw the birth story video. I’m glad she’s okay and doing well enough to be able to share it quite happily - but I don’t understand how she could say in one breath that she wished she’d “advocated for herself” more and that she’d have been more comfortable at home, before going on to talk about how close the midwife had been to pulling the emergency cord because things started getting dicey???
Sure in hindsight it was fine but it sounds like it was a near thing? Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, I’ve never given birth it’s not a topic I know much on.
Wait, are we talking about the same person? She in no way keeps it real. There is nothing real about her. It’s all (very lazy) curation and camera cuts,I feel really torn about this! I think she's kind of positioned herself as someone who keeps it real (in terms of food, feelings, etc), but I also think her upbringing and environment wouldn't allow her to be outwardly struggling with motherhood other than the occasional "this is harder than I thought" comment. I think she's generally enjoying motherhood, but if she was struggling a lot, she'd probably just disappear from the internet for a while (which would be fine, of course).