@e.l.lofthouse It's more that they come on and always say the same thing. The response is usually someone asking them how they know this or who they know.
If they said I have a similar circle to Liaryn, Annie or Kyle that would be fine but they never do.
It's always someone giving the narrative that Lozagne is alluding to or pushing. One account came on was saying they saw her with Kerching and she was a great Mum and he was well dressed etc. People questioned it because that users post history was saying similar things across multiple threads for different people.
Not a week later, she announced "FYI... its a baby" and this user suddenly changed what they had previously said and, despite seeing her at Tesco in Brighton, now lived in Alderley Edge and 100% knew Kyle was the Daddy. Whilst making some strange digs at Annie, if I remember correctly.
They were called out on that and disappeared. Then they came back saying Kyle isn't the Daddy but "all of AE is talking about it" and then came back that he was the Daddy - as per Lozagne's hints again.
Then gave huge Papabear energy about reopening their insta to expose Liaryn.
Asking questions to establish any kind of fact wouldn't scare anyone genuine off. However, it weeds out the liars and the attention seekers and the Grapeman attempt to control what's said here like she does on her Insta.
The posts "know what's happening in the background" and "know the truth" but can never say anything. If you don't want to talk about it, why say anything at all? It just highlights they have nothing to say and are after some drama. Quite sad really.