I don’t believe she’s abroad anywhere. Mainly because of her harvesting colostrum and you can only do that from earliest 36 weeks because it can send you into early labour. She’s been doing that for a couple of weeks hasn’t she. This is why I think this is all mind games on her part as usual. Kyle and Annie are away so slaggy sloppy pants must be seen to be away too, can’t be outdone by her bank rollers can she.
I think she’s due anytime now. Maybe after all the chaos she caused publicly right when Chloe was on her hen do and the focus was meant to be on her but Prozza made it about her and Kyle and Annie, was maybe the straw that broke chlo jobs back for her to think
duck you Lauren, and buggered off abroad right when spunk face needs what little people she has left around her. Who knows but I can’t see her been abroad unless she’s willing to risk giving birth there too. And I can’t see any doctor actually oking her to fly this far on x
Harley Benn has been mentioned as a possible dad and he is away in Marbella so maybe she’s in Spain ready to pop the baby out there with him, maybe even the OG Side piece, his mother (can’t remember her name) will fly out to join them
Haha exactly!! I’d say pitsmoor for more brutality but the cross for comedy shameless value
I take it you’re another fellow Sheffielder then?