This whole rant about missing Chris is really doing my TITS IN!
OBVIOUSLY I prefer when my partner is home. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love the time to myself when he goes away! Just because I enjoy a few days to myself doesnt mean I hate being around my partner you psycho. Her pinned comment “anyone else like their partner being around?” implying that those of us who enjoy time alone hate our partners?
Babe we’re just not codependent and have probably have been in our relationships than your weird little whirlwind moving way too quick controlling situation.
I love my partner to death and would move mountains for the man. He’s just been away for a week and I’ve loved every bloody second! Equally, I’m chuffed he’s back, but if he told me he was going away next week, I’d be chill with it! Doesn’t mean I don’t like his company but just means I can enjoy my own and not be tempted to neck a bottle of red. Silly bint.
“Trail blazer” killed me. Babe you just print off A4 sheets and stick them in a binder. Hardly blazing trails you just own a printer and use Canva.
She’s insufferably self obsessed.