The fact Gabboo hates her father when she has a carbon copy of his personality will never not be funny to me.
By the way, did you know we are almost at our 5 year anniversary for Gabby threads? You are som funny witches, I've just been cackling at the thread titles. #32 reminds me of the Beatles' White Album
Gabriella Lindley - aka VelvetGhstedByAllMates
#2 - Gh0sted by her boyfriend, keeps moving flats, buys lots of tat
#3 - Broken nose, paint fume woes, pooped in a box and everybody knows
#4 - Painting obsessed, life is a mess, did I mention my PO Box address?
#5 - Tinned tomatoes and bacon fat, spent £395k on a flat full of tat
#6 - Social isolation, paint inhalation, check out my room transformation
#7 - Tweet deleter, animal crossing cheater, hoarder of Nelson's excreter
#8 - Crying on the loo, flat stinks of poo, sorry Gobbie Jane can't come to rescue you!
#9 - Nice one Gabby, that singing made my baby cry
#10 - lockdown perfection, no human connection, but got my B12 injection
#11 - Caught breaking government guidelines, Jane's hiding in the sidelines!
#12 - She's gallstone-y, but we know she's a phony
#13 - eat what I like and deal with the pain, that's right I'm insane
#14 - Hambugs and cobblestones, balayage and insta moans
#15 - She's a phoney, she's a fake, jaw as sharp as a Jaffa Cake
#16 - I delete my tweets, I'm SO neat, have you heard I hate the heat?
#17 - brat overfeeds her cat, eats like a rat and marches round her flat
#18 - This little piggy cried until Jane drove all the way to Hove
#19 - Juniper Moon, business tycoon, don't follow her account too soon
#20 - made up fella, using Nellie's anus to contact Zoella
#21 There's Margot, Celeste & Gavin the ghost...
#22 - See you sewn Jewniper Mewn, off to eat bacon & sleep until newn
#23 - Loving lockdown, closed her shop down
#24 - copycat art, lasagne bath, blocking to deal with the aftermath
#25 - closing shop, followers drop, must be time for another op?
#26 - Wee scummy trolls on the attack, Jewniper Jane will sue you new the mean and back
#27 - New collection from juniper moon? Bet she won't address plagiarism allegations anytime soon
#28 - Monika's collecshun is my inspirashun. Dis I mention my operashun?
#29 - Oh Christmas Tree, no Christmas tree, Gabby's got NO Christmas tree
#30 - Juniper Jane ravels by train, Gabbie is having an operashun again
#32 -
#33 - Bl0cked! The Loosical - A Fabulous Story of Little Miss Pooinabox
#34 - Empath? You're havin' a laugh! Get back in your lasagne bath
#35 - Jane would drive 500 miles and Jane would drive 500 more
#36 - Hammy Trotter and the Prisoners of Gabkaban
#37 - International Shipping Expert
#38 - Butternut squash for a head, only relevant because of this thread
#39 - Can buy friends, can buy bots, but nobody forgets what she did in a box
#40 - Shame her friends are playing emergency cricket
#41 - Hamsexual
#42 - Delete this thread before I take legal action
#43 - The only disrespect here is her outfit
#44 - Gab's gone mad for off links, is it her box or attitude that stinks
#45 - I'm sad because I can't eat crisps
#46 - Another operation and complication, sausage and gravy segregation
#47 - I'd rather be me my darling, have a lovely day sweetie pie
#48 - Mirabell, Mirabell on the wall, Gabby's the biggest two of all
#49 - Grace? All the Grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on
#50 - Flop shop, too much stock, did you know I had an Op?
#51 - Live, laugh, Lasagne Bath
#52 - Who's gonna tell her? Grandad's secret ingredient is salmonella
#53 - Hewcus Pewcus, your launch is attrewshus
#54 This tweet has been deleted
#55 - The best way new spread Christmas cheer is new have surgery at the end of the year
#56 - Fairytale of New Pork
#57 - 100k richer but everyone's ditched her
#58 - album: done, hair: in a bun, friends: none
#59 - moan, moan, moan, moan, moan, moan, moan, moan
#60 - Flippers are out, bolognese is congealed. Who's that? It's Philip Schofield
#61 - The one where she finally leaves the house
#62 - I got 99 sewfas and an obese son
#63 - risking her life for a £3 movie... cewt
#64 - Salt
#65 - Doesn't vibe with Aries. Calls vaginas fairies
#66 - iWork (iPromise)
#67 - Total nutter, snacking on butter, career down the gutter
#68 - sew much pain, help me Jane, faking birthday cards but can't spell her name
#69 - Buttergate, Summer hate, making her period a personality trait
#70 - Little Miss Bitter Butter witch
#71 - Festerning at Jane's morn until noon, socials as dead as Jewniper Mewn
#72 - They tried to make me gew to reham, I said new new new
#73 - I'm the Margot of the friendship group
#74 - That's just hew I ham
#75 - Operashun in Spain, fallout with Jane, talking to a catfish online again
#76 - hellew yew
#77 - hambidextrous, peek a bewb playing rascal
#78 - Mewlin Rewge, New much feed, murder karaoke while I flash one bewb
#79 - New Pork City
#80 - In the US ignoring mum, instead she's doing Cam up the bum